After a few week delay - below is a photo of my new P2C. As you can see this bike is the DuraAce set up. Waaaaay back in January, I had ordered the Ulterga set up. After waiting over two months, I get the call that the bike is finally in and roll down to my dealer to finally pick it up...and Ben the bike guy rolls out this Red and White Dura-Ace frame, to my dismay. After pointing out that my order was for a Ultegra set up and frame (sweet looking black and silver), the bike guy checks his notes (i reminded him that we discussed at "my level" - i.e. slow, the difference in price between the two set ups was not worth it.) and says - "yep, I have you down for the Ultegra, but I ordered the Dura-Ace...looks like I can get an Ultegra in a couple of months." The look of dismay on my face must have moved the bike guy and he offered to give me the DuraAce setup for a discount off the retail price. Clearly, I bought the bike and it is now sitting in one of my indoor trainers. You'll see that the front fork is red, which is some sort of unannounced upgrade (downgrade?) but is supposed to be pretty light weight. The bike feels great on the trainer and having real aero bars is a nice upgrade from the snap-ons on my fugi.
My recovery from the ING Georgia Marathon is finally over. The first week I was hobbling around until I got a sports massage, which made me feel a world better. My first run was one week after the marathon in a hotel workout room in Orange County, CA. When the speed got over 6 mps, my Achilles tendon started to kill, so my recover got an additional week added to it. This week has been fine with 3 runs including some "speed work" today. Next on the schedule is to start getting back into the water so I can remember how to swim...
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