Sunday, January 27, 2008

Feeling Bad and Looking Cool

This weekend started out not so great. Had to work late on Friday (my comment to a friend on email was "i am getting crushed, but I don't know why because the market sucks").

In any event, I had a long run scheduled for this weekend and woke up to 35 degrees to accompany me during my run. So I got suited up and started to run and after about 15 minutes, I realized that I felt like Krap (yes with a capital K). Running by the state capitol did not help my mental or physical well being:

Note: Virginia State Capitol. Designed by Thomas Jefferson. Me running by in pain wasn't likely on his mind when finalizing the design.

After a painful couple of hours (and quick tour of Rocketts Landing) I finally returned home. Well, after a long shower in hopes of making me feel better (no luck), I finally broke down and went to 3sports and got measured for a new bike. Yep, I stepped up and bought a Cervelo P2C. Not quite the same bike which won Kona this past year, but same exact frame. I figure at least I'll look good when people fly by me on the bike legs in Triathlons. Here is a photo of the new toy. Yes, I think it is worth more than my car (note: my car is like 10 years old, but still...)!

Note: I asked that Cervelo customize the bike with DC United colors and logo and this was the best they could do!

In any event, the bike should be here in about two - three weeks...I hope.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Training Update


After finishing the musselman last summer, I toned down the training regimen - only a few workouts a week with nothing really too punishing. Turns out that I really need something to aim for or else the motivation meter is lacking. In any event, I joined the "flabfest" at work. The "flabfest" is a contest among certain co-workers to test overall fitness. I figured with my on-going training, i would blow the others out of the water.


To make things fair, I run in flip flops in certain triathlons.

The events are as follows and each event is 100 points max:

1. About a three mile run from Riverfront Plaza, around Belle Island and back.
Time for 100 points is 24 minutes. This is a somewhat challenging run with hills, bridges and trails.
2. Pull ups - 10 equals 100 points.
3. Max pushups in 2 minutes. I think max is 60 for 100 points.
4. Situps - 80 in 2 minutes is 100 points.
5. Weight loss - 10% is 100 points.

We started the contest around mid October - the first check in was December 13th - the final check in is Fat Tuesday.

At the first check in - I fared somewhat poorly:
1. Three mile run - 24:30 and I was winded. Luckily I beat the competition by about 2 minutes.
2. Pull ups. I am not sure that I should actually publicly say this, but I only did 4 pull ups. Quite sad.
3. Push ups. I think that I did like 42.
4. Situps. I recall 70.
5. Weight loss - 1/2 pound. Now when i was training for the half, I only lost like 9 pounds. This could be an issue.

Overall I ended up in second place. However, I had only really started to get kicked back into gear for training. I signed up to do the ING Georgia Marathon, which is run at the end of March to get some motivation. I did the half marathon here last year, so why not the full this year? So, I downloaded a training plan from this Internet thing (thanks Al Gore!) and last weekend was a 14 mile run. This was my longest run ever - I was not sore the next day, so I think I need to teach myself to push faster and more into the uncomfortable zone. Anyway the program builds up to a couple of 20 milers, which should be fun.

Additionally, I've started to get back spinning on the bike in front of the TV...only problem is that I broke my fluid trainer and have been using the magnetic one. I've been planning on buying a new tribike, but have had trouble getting to the bike shop to get fitted and get the order in. My tri-shop of choice is not open on Sunday or on holidays. Here is a photo of the bike I am going to buy (unless I hate the "fit"!) :

Finally, I was going to start swimming...TODAY, but I went to the "Y" and the pool was closed!!! C'est la vie?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

This is what I have been up to!

Yes, I'm back....and it looks like that will never be enough from some people...

SOOOO, what has changed since my last real post:
1. No Ironman...I did actually go see the Lake Placid Ironman - my brother did actually do the race - like 11:50. Here are some pretty cool shots from the day:

Lake Placid is pretty cool - snow all year round!

MTH and MMH with Mirror Lake in the background (LP ironman swim is in this really clear and calm lake)

Stud bro MDH on his Rocket Ship (aka Cervelo P2C).

MDH Starting the Run...only 26.2 miles to go.


2. However, I was able to do a Half Ironman...or a full musselman!

KSH and MTH prior to starting...looking so happy.

Me thinking - "I used to do a mile in under 16 minutes?!?"

Me Thinking: Time for a nice leisurely bike ride around central NY.

Me thinking - this run might be trouble.

Me thinking - where is the beer?

3. Other stuff happened:

I (we) bought a house in the Fan district in Richmond, VA. Quite a change from Alexandria...very different. I miss DC, but our house is pretty neat - about 100 years old in a neighborhood which features restaurants, bars, art galleries, museums, large parks, pocket parks and the largest University in Virginia (VCU).

We went to Ireland with SM and JR - This is from a Church in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Belfast is a very interesting place to visit...cannot wait to go back.

This is the world famous Blarney Castle...what is it that you do at Blarney?

That's Right you kiss the Blarney Stone (must have been scary before the safety grate!).

Also we this case Murphy's in the Mutton Lane Inn in Cork. This funky bar was located down a tiny side street which the sheep used to use to run through the city.

More later....

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I'm back

I'm baaaack. How long before ETK notices?